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Xiamen Innovacera Advanced Materials Co., Ltd

Tel: +0086 592 558 9730
Fax: +0086 592 558 9733
Company Website:
Store Website:
Block A, 6/F, No.588 Jiahe Road, Torch High-tech Industrial District, Xiamen, China 361006
Xiamen Factory
Torch High-tech Industrial District, Xiang’an, Xiamen, Fujian, China 361101
Zhangzhou Factory
Nanjing High-technology Industrial Zone, Zhangzhou, Fujian, China 363601

Our expert staff will reply within 24 hours.

Feel free to contact us with any questions, from a quote request to detailed technical inquiries.
* If the inquiry is received outside of office hours, we will contact you on the following business day.

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